Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dedicated to the Lord

It has been way too long since I have blogged. So many things have happened. I suppose that is why it has been to long. This little baby takes up a lot of time. :) Over the past month Beau has grown out of all his newborn clothes, went to his 2 month check up and got his first shots, started smiling, giggling, and cooing, and best of all, we dedicated little Beau to the Lord.
Beau is in all 3 month size clothes now. Now that it is fall, he has been wearing jeans and tee shirts most of the time. I love to dress him like his Daddy and I know he likes to look like a "big boy".
At Beau's 2 month check up he weighed 12lb. He is growing so fast. He also had to get his first vaccines. It was the hardest thing I have done over the past month. The nurse laid him on the table and told me to hold his hands. He had to get 3 shots. She did it really fast but as soon as she stuck him, his face turned bright red and a sound came out of him I have never heard before. :( I starting crying too. It was so very sad. It must have been traumatic for him too because he slept the rest of the day all the way until the next morning waking only to eat and go right back to sleep.

Beau is smiling and giggling so much now. When I go to get him out of his crib in the morning, he gives me the biggest smile! It is the best feeling in the world. Dan can really get lots of smiles and giggles out of our little guy. He is becoming more responsive and expressive every day.

The best part of the last month is that on Sunday September 19th, we dedicated Beau to the Lord. The church was decorated with baby blocks, books and bottles. Beau's whole family came to pray and commit to raising him in the ways of the Lord. The Pastor said that the Holy Spirit gave him a word about Beau. He said that "Beau will be an influencer of many". Wow, what an amazing word. Dan and I have the responsibility to make sure he is a good influencer and not a bad one. :) After the dedication, we came back to the house had had champagne and a great dinner with the whole family. It was such a special day!

A few more thoughts for this post: Beau is starting to like taking baths. I can even get him to smile while in the tub. We sing "Splish, Splash, I was takin a bath". He also loves it when I put lotion on him and rub his little body. I think he will like to get massages and facials when he gets big. :) His cousin Peyton-Ashley love to say "hi beau" and give him kisses. Mimi and Grampy have gone back to Georgia for the fall so we will have to Skype to say hello. I have joined MOPS and am leading a bible study at my church this fall so Beau goes to the church nursery to play with the other babies. I think it is very good for him to be in a bright, vibrant room with lots of colorful toys and loud children. He seems to do pretty well in there and the nursery workers all love him of course!

We are looking forward to the next few months so much. Here are some pictures from the last month.

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