Beau is 5 weeks and 3 days old. He is getting bigger everyday. I can't believe it but some of his newborn clothes are starting to get a little snug. He is becoming a better eater everyday and is more content to lay his swing or crib instead of Mommy holding him. His eyes are able to focus more and more and although at times he still looks at me like "Where am I and who the heck are you?", I know he is starting to recognize his Mommy and Daddy as well. Beau loves to stretch and stretch after his naps. He puts his arms over his head and gets a great stretch. It is so cute!
We have had some adventures over the past week or so. First, Beau is a big spit-up-er right now. I've been feeding him mostly while I sit on the couch. It is just a comfortable spot for both of us but I worry that I am going to need to get the whole couch steam cleaned very soon. He has spit up all over it! I'm contantly trying to the get spit up out of the couch these days. I've started to just lay towels over everything that he lays/sits on. He also loves to spit up all over Mommy. A few nights ago, at our 4am feeding, he spit up all over my front, then all over my hair, then he had a diaper blowout. What was supposed to be a quick 20 minute feeding turned into an hour of cleaning, wiping, and changing for both of us.
The best part of the last couple weeks is that we have started Beau on the Babywise schedule. He eats every 3 hours during the day mixed with play times and nap times. Both Mom and Beau are really enjoying this new schedule and routine. I am more confident in understanding his needs and he is sleeping in larger spans during the night which is awesome. I hope in the next few weeks, he will sleep a full 8 hours at night. Heaven!!!
Dan and I also have gotten out a couple times since we had little Beau thanks to our wonderful family members who have babysat for us. We played 18 holes of golf one day and last night we went to a concert. It has been nice to reconnect as husband and wife as well as Mom and Dad.
I feel so happy and content, which I haven't felt in a long time. I love being a Mom and am so thankful each day to have my arms full of baby.
Some fun pictures from this week.
Beau at the pool with his Mimi
Just out of the bath
Saturday, August 14, 2010
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his eyes are so bright and beautiful!
ReplyDeletewe love babywise!! :o)
love your update!
He is so adorable!